Mangosteen Queen of Fruit

Mangosteen, 'The queen of tropical fruits’ is one of the finest fruits of Southeast Asian origin. Mangostan has all essential nutrients, vitamins and many health promoting nutraceuticals in it. The unique flavor and taste make it the favorite tropical fruit besides being an instant energizer.

Mangosteen stands a step ahead of other fruits in taste and is called the queen of fruits. Because this tree bears in a rare biological phenomenon called parthenocarpy, in which fruition occurs without the aid of pollination, the fruits of Mangosteen are called virgin fruits.

Mangosteen Tree Pictures

The mangosteen is a small, evergreen tree, very slow-growing, erect with a pyramidal crown; attains 6-20 m in height, has dark-brown or nearly black, flaking bark, the inner bark containing yellow, gummy, bitter latex.


Flowers 4-5 cm wide, fleshy, may be male or hermaphrodite on the same tree. The former are in clusters of 3-9 at the branch tips; there are 4 sepals and 4 ovate, thick, fleshy petals, green with red spots on the outside, yellowish red inside. Stamens many, fertile and sterile. The hermaphrodite are borne singly or in pairs at the tips of young branchlets; their petals may be yellowish-green edged with red or mostly red, and are quickly shed.


The fruits are the size of a small orange, round or flattened on the ends. Mangosteens have a thick, hard, deep red rind surrounding snow white flesh, which is in segments resembling those of a mandarin orange.

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